In astrology, the Moon represents our feelings, daily habits, how we care for ourselves, and how we care for others. It takes about a month for the Moon to move through each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. It spends about two and a half days in each sign.
Here are some tips for when the Moon is in Aries....
Aries at a glance...
Mars is Aries' planetary ruler. It is an active cardinal fire sign.
Key words for Aries...
What to do when the Moon is in Aries...
Start something new!
Get physical!
Play sports
Go for a jog
What to wear when the Moon is in Aries...
Colors: red and colors in the red family, such as scarlet
Your favorite sports team's jersey
Athletic wear/Athleisure
Self-Care for Aries Moon days...
Aries is associated with the head, face, eyes, and brain.
Apply rose water with a cotton ball as you would toner for a gentle facial.
Relax with an eye pillow over your lids.
Challenge yourself with a puzzle, sudoku, or seek-and-find.
Enjoy marjoram essential oil to soothe achy muscles, alleviate headaches, and promote a healthy cardiovascular and immune system. Apply to bottom of feet or back of neck to calm and balance Aries energy.
Inspiring Aries Moons!
Jackie Kennedy
Ellen DeGneres
Tyra Banks
Angelina Jolie
Salma Hayek
An Aries Moon said it...
"I want to live my life, not record it."
Jackie O. Kennedy
This post is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to give medical advice.